Level office Landscape


Design per Tutti is a Level Office Landscape project conceived by Massimo Gianquitto. Its goal is to promote a cultural event that imparts the real meaning of design, conveyed by sector professionals to an audience of enthusiasts or to those who are simply curious.

With cycles of lessons, encounters, and talks open to all, the La Valletta Brianza-based company goes beyond office design and opens up a constant dialogue about a discipline that was cradled by Italian manufacturing and the productive Brianza area. Design is fundamental as it brings together aesthetics and functionality to improve our quality of life.

The first edition of Design per Tutti was held in 2019 following the talk “Design is not a serious affair”, hosted by the Rotary Club Merate Brianza, with guests the likes of Paola Antonelli, the senior curator of the design department of MoMa, New York.


The first edition, with four events held on four evenings in May, was an immediate success, galvanizing the company to organize more editions following the Covid-19 health emergency.

LevelHUB, a space dedicated to events, thus hosted a second cycle of lessons in 2022 on the theme of  “Experience Design”, opening with a reproduction of the Instant Soup Performance, a participatory art experiment carried out by Rirkrit Tiravanija at the Venice Biennale in 1993. Talks on taste experience, space as an artwork, and the psychology of living, were alternated with performances by artist, designer, and Bruno Munari’s successor Alberto Casiraghy, and a final calligraphy workshop held by artist Gep Caserta.


2023 marked an analysis of the relationships between real spaces for virtual lives and vice versa. A talk was given on experiential places designed as a function of the digital world, or rather, to be shared on social media and on the most important streaming channels. Tied to influencer marketing, this phenomenon has opened up new and interesting scenarios for designers, for example, for those working with 3D modeling and developing virtual reality programs, or for companies exploring the new frontiers of exhibitions and artistic events, integrating technology to create new immersive scenarios.

Thanks to a partnership with the Order of Architects of Lecco, professionals who register and participate free of charge in the Design per Tutti events receive recognized training credits.

Giovanni Boldini

Design per tutti 2 edizione

All’origine dell’astrazione

De Rerum Natura

Lab creativo Gep Caserta

Psicologia dell’abitare

La gioia degli oggetti

L’esperienza del gusto

Il Giappone è alle porte!